Capture API: What's Included

Save form data locally to the device

Supported in:

Kiosk Pro Basic, Plus and Enterprise

This custom function will save information entered into a form to a .csv or text file stored locally on the device.

CSV (comma-separated value) is a standard format compatible with most spreadsheet software, including Microsoft Excel, and is often used as a format for uploading contact data to online databases. Entries can also be saved to a plain text (.txt) file.

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Capture visitor signatures, screenshots, or drawings

Supported in:

Kiosk Pro Plus and Enterprise

This function allows you to capture a screenshot of the current view of the screen and to save it locally as an image file. Parameters of the function let you define the file name used, whether to capture the entire screen or just a portion of it, and to trigger a callback once the capture has been saved successfully.

The screen capture function can be used in combination with an HTML5 canvas in your code to capture visitor signatures and/or drawings as shown in our demo samples.

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Take photos or record videos using the iPad camera

Supported in:

Kiosk Pro Plus and Enterprise

Using custom JavaScript functions, you can access the camera and save the result locally on the iPad in Kiosk Pro's Documents folder. When using these calls, the standard iOS camera interface is shown on screen and the kiosk visitor triggers the capture by touching the screen. Before saving the picture or video, the visitor can review and accept the picture or video or choose to try again or cancel.

Several functions include countdowns and/or timers to determine video length. For example, it's possible to set an automatic countdown for photo capture where the camera image is shown on screen, overlaid by the countdown of the number of seconds until the image will be snapped, which then happens automatically without direct visitor interaction. The resulting image is shown overlaid with the alert message defined until the alert is dismissed or the idle timer triggers.

By default, the app always returns images in maximum quality of the device. If your use case requires smaller image files (to maximize storage on the device, for example), we've added calls to allow you to resize images to a certain width and height (expressed in pixels) prior to saving.

A custom function can also be used to determine whether to default to the front or back camera.

Resulting image and video files can be accessed directly on the device by a locally stored HTML page, manually synced off the device, or retrieved remotely through Dropbox sync to a unique content folder.

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Send data to another application with Zapier

Supported in:

Kiosk Pro Enterprise

Zapier is a service which connects hundreds of popular web apps, including Google Sheets, MailChimp, and Salesforce among others.

A webhook is a URL published from within your Zapier account that allows Kiosk Pro to communicate with Zapier. Once the webhook is published, it is referenced inside our JavaScript API call to Zapier along with a set of key:value pairs defining the data you’d like to pass. Inside Zapier, calls to the webhook act as a trigger, which can be used to start an action in another app.

If the device is offline and unable to contact Zapier's servers, Kiosk Pro will store call locally and send them when the device is reconnected to the Internet.

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